Suzi, Mama Susie, Foster and I drove up to Bryson's U-Pick
near Long Creek to get some apples. This was a first for both
Suzi and her great-grandma.
Bryson's was the perfect place to go...the orchards are well kept and mowed and there were PLENTY of apples at a good price.
They even have a restroom!
There were lots of varieties to choose from.
Many of the trees had apples hanging low enough for Suzi to reach.
Suzi picked the biggest apple of all!
She was proud of her bucket of apples.
She felt silly standing bebside the scarecrow, but it did make a cute picture.
No telling what was going on in the backseat on the way home.
She fell asleep just before we got home. . . .
one tired little applepicker.