Sunday, October 5, 2008

50 Uses for Vinegar

I cannot claim credit for today's blog. Instead, I must thank my college roommate, Nancy, for sharing it with me. If you read my daughter's blog you know that she enjoys using vinegar to rinse her hair. I have tried some of these uses and have been pleased with the results. I intend to try more of them as the need arises. Vinegar is so much better for the environment and so much less expensive than the products I have used before.

1. Kill grass on walks and driveways...
2. Kill weeds - spray full strength on growth until plants have starved...
3. Increase soil acidity - in hard water, one gallon of tap water for watering rhododendrums, gardenias, or azaleas.
4. Deter ants - spray vinegar around doors, appliances, and along other areas where ants are known...

5. Polish car chrome - apply full strength...
6. Remove skunk odor from a dog - rub fur with full strength vinegar; rinse...
7. Keep cats away -sprinkle vinegar on areas you don't want the cat walking, sleeping, or scratching on...
8. Keep dogs from scratching his ears - use a clean, soft cloth dipped in diluted vinegar...
9. Keep chickens from pecking each other - put a little in their drinking water...
10. Tenderize meat - soak in vinegar over night...
11. Freshen vegetables - soak wilted vegetables in 2 cups of water and a tablespoon of vinegar...
12. Boil better eggs - add 2 tablespoons water before boiling eggs, keeps them from cracking...
13. Soothe a bee or jellyfish sting - dot the irritation with vinegar and relieve itching...
14. Relieve sunburn - lightly rub white vinegar; you may have to reapply.
15. Condition hair - add a tablespoon of vinegar to dissolve sticky residue left by shampoo... fight dandruff, after shampooing, rinse with vinegar and 2 cups of warm water...
16. Relieve dry and itchy skin - add 2 tablespoons to bath water...
17. Soothe a sore throat - put a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water. Gargle, then swallow...
18. Treat sinus infections and chest colds - add 1/4 cup or more vinegar to the vaporizer...
19. Feel good - teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, with a bit of honey added for flavor, will take the edge off your appetite and give you an overall healthy feeling...
20. Deodorize the kitchen drain - pour a cup down the drain once a week, let stand 30 minutes and then flush with cold water...
21. Eliminate onion odor - rub on your fingers before and after slicing... 22. Clean and disinfect wood cutting boards - wipe with full strength vinegar...
23. Remove fruit stains from hands - rub with vinegar...
24. Cut grease and odor on dishes - add a tablespoon of vinegar to hot soapy water...
25. Clean a teapot - boil a mixture of water and vinegar in the teapot, wipe away the grime...
26. Freshen a lunchbox - soak a piece of bread in vinegar and let it sit in the lunchbox over night...
27. Clean the refrigerator - wash with a solution of equal parts water and vinegar...
28. Unclog a drain, - pour a handful of baking soda down the drain and add 1/2 cup of vinegar, Rinse with hot water...
29. Clean and deodorize the garbage disposal - make vinegar ice cubes and feed them down the disposal, after grinding, run cold water through...
30. Clean and deodorize jars - rinse mayonnaise, peanut butter, and mustard jars with vinegar when empty...
31. Clean the dishwasher - run a cup of vinegar through the whole cycle once a month to reduce soap build up on the inner mechanisms and on glassware...
32. Clean stainless steel - wipe with a vinegar dampened cloth...
33. Clean china and fine glassware - add a cup of vinegar to a sink of warm water, Gently dip the glass or china in the solution and let dry...
34. Get stains out of pots - fill pot with a solution of 3 tablespoons of vinegar to a pint of water,Boil until stain loosens and can be washed away...
35. Clean the microwave - boil a solution of 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water in the microwave, will loosen splattered on food and deodorize...
36. Dissolve rust from bolts and other metals - soak in full strength vinegar...
37.Get rid of cooking smells - let simmer a small pot of vinegar and water solution...
38. Unclog steam iron - pour equal amounts of vinegar and water into the iron's water chamber, turn to steam and leave the iron on for 5 minutes in an upright position, then unplug and allow to cool, any loose particles should come out when you empty the water...
39. Clean a scorched iron plate - heat equal parts vinegar and salt in a small pan...
40. Rub solution on the cooled iron surface to remove dark or burned stains...
41. Get rid of lint in clothes - add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle...
42. Keep colors from running - immerse clothes in full strength vinegar before washing...
43. Freshen up the washing machine - periodically, pour a cup of vinegar in the machine and let in run through a regular cycle (no clothes added) Will dissolve soap residue...
44. Brighten fabric colors - add a 1/2 cup vinegar to the rinse cycle...
45. Take grease off suede - dip a toothbrush in vinegar and gently brush over grease spot...
46. Remove tough stains - gently rub on fruit, jam, mustard, coffee, tea. Then wash as usual...
47. Get smoke smell out of clothes - add a cup of vinegar to a bath tub of hot water - hang clothes above the steam...
48. Remove decals - brush with a couple coats of vinegar, allow to soak, wash off...
49. Clean eyeglasses - wipe each lens with a drop of vinegar...

I must add #50 - from my junior high school English teacher - spray vinegar on windows,wipe them with newspaper and they will sparkle!


Vicky said...

Thanks! I have one to add...

#51 Use 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water to sanitize nebulizer kits. Let the kit soak for about 20-30 minutes and use the rest to wipe down your counters.

Vicky said...

Hey.....I really miss your posts!!! I know we all get busy, but post a little something PRETTY PLEASE!