Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Blueberry Muffins and John Edwards

Today was Jenny's day off so she and Suzi came over to visit. Knowing that they were coming, I baked blueberry muffins. When we had blueberry muffins a few days ago Suzi had wanted it, but I wasn't about to feed it to her without her mama's permission. Today Suzi had her first blueberry muffin. As you can see she really enjoyed it. We just put it in front of her and let her have at it. I imagine that if you scooped up all the crumbs from the tray, chair and floor and put them back together, you'd see that Suzi may have actually ingested about a teaspoonful. After her adventure with the muffin, she had some of the homemade applesauce I had made for her with her cereal.

After breakfast we decided to get out into the sunshine and 65 degree weather. We rode up to the Military Heritage Plaza at CU to see John Edwards. Suzi's dad, Jordan, took his lunch hour to come down and join us. Suzi was bouncing on my knee, enjoying the music when a reporter snapped a photo of us. We may make the paper tomorrow. Suzi was wearing an Edwards 2008 sticker on her back and turned around to grin at the reporter. She knows how to pose alright. Before John Edwards arrived, all the applause made Suzi nervous, so I walked her away from where we were standing. When we looked up John Edwards was coming out of a door in Tillman Hall. I juggled Suzi in one arm and the camera in the other hand so that we could show you just how close we were. Are you impressed?


Theresa said...

Okay, so when she runs for president in 2048, we'll make a fortune off this blog!!
How cool that you were that close. Let me know if it's in the paper.

Vicky said...

Sounds like you had a fun day! Suzi always has the cutest smiles. She is adorable. I hope you are in the paper!